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How To Alleviate Washing Machines Vibrations

How To Alleviate Washing Machines Vibrations
Posted on08/24/2023 by 1145

How To Alleviate Washing Machines Vibrations

Why is my washing machine so noisy? Have you ever wondered about this? A little shaking and vibrating is to be expected. But, too much and it can become loud, cause your house to shake, and even damage your floors.

So what causes all this noise? One of the most common causes of noise and vibration coming from one’s washing machine is that it has been overloaded. Filling the drum with every pair of jeans you own may help you get your laundry done faster. However, your clothes won’t be clean, and overfilling puts quite a strain on your machine. It also makes it vulnerable to mechanical issues down the road. Generally speaking, you can simply see how full your washer is. But, the drum has a weight limit as well. Once all those jeans we mentioned are weighed down with water, you may be hitting that limit sooner than expected. Underloading your machine can also cause issues as it can lead to an unbalanced load. This usually happens when washing a small number of bulky items (think sheets, comforters and big comfy sweaters). The weight of these items when wet can cause them to group together in the drum during the spin cycle. This causes the drum to become unbalanced, no longer allowing it to rotate freely. If this happens, consider stopping your machine and manually rebalancing the items within. To prevent this issue in the future, you could add other items of the same size, weight and shape to balance the load (while being careful not to overfill).

The general rule of thumb to avoid these issues is that the drum is underfilled at ⅓ full or less. A medium load is when the drum is ½ full, and a large load is when the drum is ¾ full. The drum is considered overloaded when it is over ¾ full.

It is possible that the cause of your noisy washer could be that the machine is no longer level. Using a bubble level, or an app on your smartphone, you can check this fairly simply. The goal is for the bubble on the bubble level (clever name, huh?) to be in the very center. On Apple’s Measure app, the goal is to read 0°, or to have the two circles overlap perfectly in the center (the orientation of the device running the app determines which of these you will look for). Be sure to check the machine’s level from front to back and from side to side. If the washer is not level, it’s time to find your pliers.

Washers have what are called “leveling legs.” You want them to be as retracted as possible to prevent the machine from wobbling, or the legs from breaking over time. New washing machines generally come with the legs fully retracted. Important consideration before attempting to level your washer: many machines have self-leveling rear legs. Sometimes these legs get out of balance as well. Please be mindful of that before you begin. Always consider the features of your specific washing machine. If you are unsure if your machine has self-leveling legs, or what to do if they are stuck, check the manual or the manufacturer’s website. If you do have self-leveling rear legs, the instructions below only apply to the front legs.

With that said, to shorten a leg, you will rotate it clockwise (again, this is the preferred direction). To extend a leg, you will rotate it counterclockwise. Make small adjustments and recheck your level. Continue until your machine is perfectly level.

There are sometimes complaints when a pan is installed underneath a washing machine that it elicits additional vibration noise from the washing machine, but this is likely only emphasizing another issue, whether it be leveling, overfilling, or problems with the surrounding environment. Again, all washing machines, even those operating with no issues, will make some noise and experience some vibrations.

Killarney Metal’s Anti-Vibration pads can help reduce that noise and absorb those vibrations. It also provides an anti-slip grip! Currently, they are available for standard and compact washing machines, each of which is offered in black and white. They provide an anti-slip grip and can be installed under your Killarney Metals Washer Pan. Say goodbye to the noise and shaking without saying goodbye to the convenience of your washing machine or washing machine pan.

*Some purchasers opt to install the anti-vibration pad inside the pan directly underneath their washer, but this is not the intended use method.

