Preventing Water Damage And Mold
Water damage, particularly prolonged leakage, causes significant damage to homes and offices and creates an environment that promotes mold growth. It is important when any water spill or leak occurs, particularly those that saturate building materials or leave standing water, that a remedy is quickly applied to stop the spill and act to dry the area out.
Below we discuss the effects of water damage and how a spill containment pan can be a solution to promote a healthy environment in home and office by decreasing the likelihood of mold growth and water damage.

Examples Of Water Damage Events
Water damage in home or office can occur from many different circumstances. For example, damage from rain coming through a hole in a structure's roof or a broken window, leaking fixtures and plumbing, sweating walls in basement areas all are potential causes of water damage. Appliances such as dishwashers, hot water heaters and ice machines can create water damage when a malfunction happens. In multi-family structures, leaks in other residences can create water damage in surrounding residences. There are building codes in place to prevent these occurrences, but accidents can and will happen. Not every spill can be prevented.

Clean Up Your Water Damage To Prevent Mold
Regardless of how the water damage happens, it is important to take immediate steps to remedy it. Never ignore indications of an obvious water problem in your home. You should immediately attempt to find and stop leaks at their source. When water leaks into your property, moisture can collect, allowing mold to develop. Mold can cause further damage to your property and can potentially cause health problems. The adverse health effects from mold include: runny noses, coughs, nosebleeds, congestion, sinusitis, and even more serious upper respiratory ailments such as asthma or bronchitis.
For further information on mold and its effect check out this resource.
Steps To Take Aagainst Mold Growth From Water Damage
If water damage occurs to your property it is important to take the following steps:
1. Dry all wet areas and provide air circulation to aid in the drying process.
2. Cover any areas where a leak is or may occur with a tarp to prevent more water damage. Covering, drying, and dehumidifying wet areas can help minimize the possibility that mold will accompany water damage.
3. Make sure measures are taken to contain any continued water leakage such as use of a drip or drain pan.
If the water damage occurred over time and mold has already formed, you will need to take special consideration when handling this situation. Attempting to clean up the mold may spread the mold spores and cause greater property damage or health problems. Due to possible health concerns it is recommended that all mold testing and cleanup be conducted by professionals as soon as mold is detected.
Drip pans and drain pans are used to catch leaks when they happen and prevent water damage from occurring. If water damage has already occurred because you caught the leak too late, drip pans can prevent further damage. Use a drain pan to move the water from the source of the leak to another safe location outside of your home by attaching drain piping to the pan. Stainless steel material can be used in the drip or drain pan to prolong life and add more corrosion resistance.