At Killarney Metals, we have the largest selection of type and size in spill containment pans available on the market. We even give our customers the ability to design customized drip and drain pan solutions particular to their requirements. While we would love to be able to make any type and size pan, there are limitations within our production processes that impact the finished pan configurations available.
These limitations are mainly related to overall sizing of pans. Some of the limitations we can workaround, but working around a limitation has implications on the cost to manufacture a spill containment solution. This resource is developed to help our customers understand these limitations and their implications on costs.
Pan Size Limitations In Production Of Spill Containment Pans
Blank Metal Sheet Width Sizing -
Sheet steel is manufactured in different blank (flat sheet) sizes. The size of blank utilized within a metal part production is determined by the size characteristics of the part and by the bed size on the cutting machine (water jet, laser, plasma, etc). In our production facility we utilize laser cutters that have bed sizes with a maximum width of 60 inches. This means that the overall width of a drip pan cut on our lasers will be 60 inches. So a pan that is 54 inches wide and having 2 inch wall heights would be manufacturable via our standard processes. While 54 inch wide pan with 4 inch walls would not be manufacturable within our standard processes.
Blank Metal Sheet Length Sizing -
Just as blanks have width limitations, they also have length limitations. Killarney Metals’ laser beds hold up to 120 inch sheets. So the maximum sheet length we can cut on our lasers is 120 inches. A pan that is 114 inches long and having 2 inch walls would be manufacturable via our standard processes. While a 114 inch long pan with 4 inch walls would not be manufacturable within our standard processes.
* Workaround - The sizing limitation does have a workaround in our production process. In instances where a spill pan needs to exceed the standard blank sizing we can utilize welding to manufacture a larger pan. Due to costs inherent in the welding process, the expense of this workaround can be prohibitive. The welding of a long seem can also be a concern when aesthetics is concerned. The increased heat involved in extended welds may warp metal materials and the finished seam will have the customary “hump bead” that occurs due to weldment of two parts together.
We have developed our Assembly Pan system as a potential cost savings alternative for our customers. This system can significantly reduce costs in large footprint spill containment situations. For more information on our Assembly Pans click here.
Stocked Sheet Sizing By Material -
Due to the costs of carry high material inventory levels we try to reduce these costs and provide the most cost effective manufacturing for our customers by limiting the sheet blank sizes carried in stock. Below is a list of sheet sizes based on material type that Killarney Metals carries in stock:
Material Type | Material Thickness | Stocked Blank Size |
Galvanized Steel | 20 Gauge | 48 x 120 inches |
Galvanized Steel | 18 Gauge | 48 x 120 inches |
Galvanized Steel | 14 Gauge | 60 x 120 inches |
Stainless Steel | 20 Gauge | 48 x 96 inches |
Stainless Steel | 18 Gauge | 48 x 96 inches |
Stainless Steel | 14 Gauge | 48 x 96 inches |
Cold Rolled Steel (raw) | 20 Gauge | 48 x 120 inches |
Cold Rolled Steel (raw) | 18 Gauge | 48 x 120 inches |
Cold Rolled Steel (raw) | 14 Gauge | 48 x 120 inches |
As discussed previously, the blank size has implications on the overall size of spill containment pan manufacturable within our standard processes. Stock sheet sizing is easier to work around than other limitations but there still can be cost consideration when working outside of our standard stock sheet sizes.
* Workaround - While Killarney Metals stock materials per the schedule above, we have strong relationships with our steel suppliers. This means that we can quickly order and receive non-stocked sheet material. So if a pan is required that exceed our stock material sizing, we can order a larger sheet size available to produce the pan. There may be slight effects on timing and pricing in these instances.
It’s All About Serving You!
At Killarney Metals our desire is to serve our customers. We want to manufacture the spill containment solution you need. If we cannot accomplish that goal, we will let you know as quickly as possible. If we can accomplish it, you can know that your drip and drain pans are being manufactured right here in the USA with high quality craftsmanship and consideration of your complete satisfaction. For more information contact our helpful staff at 877-801-7417.